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Seismological & Multi Hazards Risk Monitoring, Management And Mitigation

In recent decades our planet has witnessed an increase in natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions with immense clouds of ashes not to mention collateral damages of climate change and more.

naturalThese events impact dramatically the day to day life of populations and the economy. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has set up recommendations and guidelines for the inception in its nearly 200 members states of Multi Natural Hazards Early Warning Centers.

With its long standing experience in the field of meteorology, climatology and related sciences PLAN has been well prepared to assist governments, governmental bodies and stakeholders. These include National Committees for Emergencies, National Meteorological & Seismological Centers and more, as well as private sector such as oil & gas industry, developers and construction companies and more. We have so far been involved in three major multi-phase/multi-year projects in North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia.

It is indispensable to use a state of the art real-time network for earthquake measurements to detect, identify and evaluate the intensity of earthquakes, followed by the implementation of Damage Assessment Maps using the latest satellite data available along with efficient Recovery Programs.

kine PLAN works primarily with Kinemetrics Inc. of Pasadena, CA, a pioneering company and world leader in its field, to help diagnose and prepare the critical contingency plans which will lead to the build up of National Digital Seismological Networks, a necessary but not sufficient step to protect people and infrastructure.

PLAN is also involved with its partners, both from the international scientific community and industry, in the fields of marine pollution, oil slicks, tsunamis, air quality monitoring for both civil aviation and environmental purposes, nuclear and toxic clouds detection, severe sand storm & flash floods early warning systems, impact of artificial rain programs, thunder detection networks, etc…


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Reach out to us and tell us how we can help you achieve your goals.